4 Email Marketing Trends to Keep under Your Radar

On October 18, 2024
8min read
Yevhenii Odyntsov Content @Mailtrap
This image is a comical illustration of email marketing trends for an article that covers the topic in detail.

Remember when you’d rush to check your email, hoping for something exciting instead of a flood of promotions and spam? 

Well, I think it’s time to bring that excitement back! As inboxes get more cluttered, recent email marketing trends are all about breaking through the noise and actually connecting with your audience.
Let’s dive right into the creative email marketing strategies that can make your subscribers look forward to your messages.

4 key email marketing trends

Here’s what’s hot in email marketing right now and how you can use these strategies to boost engagement and performance.

1. Data privacy and compliance 

As data and mail privacy protection laws like CCPA and GDPR take center stage, businesses must rethink their email marketing strategies and be careful about how they collect and use the info. 

Customers are savvy about their data rights and expect brands to handle their information with care.

In the coming year, we’ll see a shift towards zero-party data, where users share their preferences directly instead of relying on third-party sources.

So, always use an opt-in to get explicit consent from your subscribers before sending anything. If someone wants to opt-out, make that process simple and straightforward. Stay in the loop on the latest trends in privacy regulations to keep your practices sharp.

Be transparent about what customer data you collect and why. When customers see how their info enhances their experience, they’re more likely to trust you.

2. Hyperpersonalization

Hyper-personalization goes way beyond just tossing someone’s name into the subject line. It’s all about content marketing that speaks directly to each subscriber by leveraging data and AI. This approach digs into user behavior, preferences, and purchase history to create email experiences that feel tailor-made.

Why is this crucial? Because bland, one-size-fits-all emails just don’t cut it anymore. Customers demand a user experience that resonates with them. 

To the above, different types of emails that leverage hyper-personalization see boosts in KPIs like open, click-through, and conversion rates. In fact, studies show that customized subject lines can increase open rates by 26%. Likewise, customized email bodies and CTAs can improve click-through rates. 

The trick is to use advanced marketing automation tools to ensure you send the right message at the right time, thus improving CTR and overall engagement.

3. Advanced segmentation

Categorizing and segmenting your subscribers is essential in email marketing, even if you’re “just” sending email newsletters. 

What used to be an “advanced feature” is now a standard offering with almost every email service provider. Data shows that 33% of companies are actively segmenting their audiences, while 20% send emails tailored specifically to their customers. 

Yet, advanced segmentation is becoming a hot topic again. With AI, you can better understand and target customers by enriching data and analyzing behavior. 

This is a fun graphic representation of different recipient segments.

AI pulls data from multiple sources, like customer demographics and purchase history, to create detailed profiles. It also tracks interactions, such as website visits or clicks, to identify patterns and inform your email marketing efforts. 

Simply put, segmentation allows you to customize messages for maximum impact. Instead of sending the same email to everyone, you can create targeted email marketing campaigns that resonate with each group.

For instance, recent buyers are primed for upsell offers. They’re already engaged with your brand, so highlighting complementary products can drive additional sales. 

On the other hand, subscribers who haven’t purchased in a while might need a nudge. A discount coupon can reignite their interest and encourage that first transaction.

Tip: Tailor your emails to your segment’s location in the digital marketing funnel. Highlighting exclusive offers may be great for those in the awareness phase, while user-generated content (UGC) allows you to show social proof for prospects in the decision stage.

4. Omnichannel integration

Email marketing has become more intertwined with other marketing channels than ever before. 

For example, email service providers (ESPs) now integrate more channels, like SMS or social media, into their automation workflows. This functionality helps brands reach people wherever they are so that their email list is highly engaged and responsive.

As a result, they can deliver consistent, personalized messages across different touchpoints for a seamless experience.

I have to stress that there’s a strong focus on mobile devices (Apple and Android) and accessibility. Overall, it means that a good email is the one anybody can view and engage with, on any device, even if the recipient has a disability.

Email marketing email deliverability trends

Here are the biggest trends in email deliverability you need to know to keep your messages from getting lost in the spam folder. If you’d prefer to check them out in the video format, see the cheat sheet linked below.

Full authentication requirements

Gmail and Yahoo are tightening the reins on email authentication by mandating the use of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC—at least with a p=none policy. While DMARC’s p=none setting gives you a peek into any unauthorized senders, it’s really just the beginning.

For real protection against spoofing, brands should adopt a stricter p=reject policy. This approach helps safeguard your sender reputation and ensures that your emails land in the right inboxes.

BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) adoption

With the push for stronger email authentication, BIMI is gaining traction among brands. 

This feature lets your logo pop up next to your email sender name, which boosts brand visibility and helps you stand out in crowded inboxes.

Having your logo displayed can also enhance deliverability by reinforcing your legitimacy. It’s a simple way to strengthen your brand’s identity while giving subscribers added confidence that your emails are genuine.

List-unsubscribe headers mandate

To cut down on spam complaints, Gmail and Yahoo are now requiring brands to use list-unsubscribe headers. This means that subscribers will see a one-click unsubscribe link right in their email interface.

With this easy option, recipients won’t feel the need to hit the spam button just to get off a mailing list. It’s a win-win: brands can maintain a healthier reputation, and subscribers can manage their emails with less hassle.

Faster unsubscribe processing

Gmail and Yahoo are stepping up their game by requiring brands to process unsubscribe requests within just 2 days. While CAN-SPAM laws give you up to 10 business days, this new 2-day rule aligns with what consumers expect today.

Quickly honoring unsubscribe requests helps maintain trust and keeps inboxes cleaner. 

Spam complaint thresholds defined

For the first time, Gmail and Yahoo have set clear guidelines on spam complaint rates. Brands should aim for a complaint rate below 0.10%. 

If you go over 0.30%, your emails could end up blocked or tossed into the junk folder.

Email marketing technology and software trends

Here’s a look at current trends in email marketing tech that are shaping the future of how businesses connect with customers.

Artificial intelligence

While brands often use tools like ChatGPT and Perplexity to craft articles and create social media visuals, email marketers are beginning to harness AI’s potential too.

For example, AI can manage campaigns by helping marketers identify what’s working and what’s not. It also aids in content creation. This means it’s easier to write, outline, and edit email copy, as well as generate images.

Plus, AI is great for brainstorming. Marketers can rely on it to come up with catchy subject lines, newsletter ideas, and more. And perhaps best of all, AI speeds up tedious tasks like brainstorming topics and analyzing email campaigns, making it easier to scale efforts efficiently.

Integrations with other tools

Businesses are embracing a growing network of email marketing integrations to enhance efficiency and improve the customer experience.

For e-commerce, these tools track customer engagement and provide valuable insights into what resonates.

They also allow teams to share campaign data and metrics automatically, which reduces manual effort. Plus, they simplify the process for bloggers to create polished newsletters.

Funnel software

Email marketing lists are growing at an impressive rate of 40% each year, and automated campaigns are driving a staggering 320% increase in revenue.

But here’s the catch: automating email marketing can overwhelm those who aren’t tech-savvy. That’s where funnel software steps in. It simplifies the process with user-friendly interfaces that make automation accessible to everyone. Many options even come with pre-made email funnel templates ready for you to copy and paste.

Email automation

Email automation is all about sending the right message at the right time—think personalized notes triggered by actions like signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. 

While this isn’t exactly a new concept, machine learning and AI are taking it to a whole new level. The real magic? It saves you time and keeps your subscribers engaged with content that matters to them. To really make an impact, dive into advanced segmentation. 

Break your audience into groups based on their interests and behaviors so your messages resonate. 

Use lifecycle campaigns to walk potential customers through their journey with your brand, making every step feel personal. 

And don’t forget to regularly check in on your automated campaigns. Fine-tuning them ensures they stay aligned with your goals and keep your audience coming back for more.

Email marketing content trends

As inboxes get more crowded, the way marketers craft email content is evolving. These key trends are changing the game when it comes to grabbing attention and driving results.

Interactive emails

Interactive content is set to steal the spotlight in 2024. Say goodbye to dull, text-heavy emails; it’s all about engagement now. Think rollover effects and animated buttons that invite action. GIFs, animations, and carousels grab attention.

These touches make your emails pop and turn passive readers into active participants.

Interactive email signatures

Email signatures are becoming more interactive and engaging. Instead of a simple name and number, consider adding fun elements like dynamic links to your latest content, social media icons, or even a catchy tagline that reflects your brand’s vibe.

Email localization

Email localization, or multilingual email marketing, is gaining traction. Sticking to English-only emails can mean missing out on vital personalization opportunities, just note that 40% of consumers won’t purchase if the content isn’t in their native language. 

And get this: 56% prefer content in their own language over a better price. So, make sure you’re tailoring your email messages to resonate with diverse audiences.

Email marketing design trends

First impressions matter. You can get everything else right, like infrastructure, personalization, or deliverability. But if your email design isn’t eye-catching, you could lose subscriber interest. 

Here are the biggest trends shaping email design right now.

Mobile first design

Mobile optimization is a top trend in email marketing. Over 50% of emails are opened on smartphones, and the emails that aren’t optimized tend to get higher bounce rates.

Use responsive design to make sure your emails shine on any device. Keep your content brief. Mobile users want quick information. And make your CTA buttons big and easy to click. Small screens need big targets!


More and more brands are making their email content accessible.

To keep up, start by organizing your emails logically and using headers to guide navigation for those using virtual assistants.

Color contrast plays a crucial role, too. So, pick your palette with readability in mind. 

And don’t forget about alt text for images, video transcripts, and descriptive link text. These elements ensure everyone, regardless of their abilities, can grasp your message fully.

Dark mode compatibility 

81.9% of smartphone users prefer dark mode on their devices

What’s dark mode all about? It features a darker color palette, perfect for nighttime or low-light settings.

Imagine light text on a dark background—easy on the eyes and visually striking.

A/B testing 

Sending out emails can sometimes feel like throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.

A/B testing changes that game by allowing you to experiment with different versions of your emails and discover what your audience truly craves.

Curious if a catchy subject line outperforms a straightforward one? Or wondering whether your call-to-action button should be red or green? A/B testing provides the insights needed to make those decisions with confidence.

Whether testing email templates, fonts, or subject lines, brands will continue to embrace A/B testing. With a variety of user-friendly tools at your disposal, it’s easier than ever to test different elements of email.

Wrapping up

Today, email marketing trends are all about creating moments that stick. And I’ve uncovered provide an opportunity to engage your audience in ways that are both fresh and meaningful.

Whether you’re playing with vibrant visuals or tapping into the power of AI, your emails should leave a lasting impression.

Now’s the time to experiment, grab attention, and create an experience that keeps your audience coming back for more.

Article by Yevhenii Odyntsov Content @Mailtrap

I’ve been writing email-oriented content for over 4 years now and I’m still finding new and exciting topics and technologies about email infrastructure and deliverability, email sending and testing, and much more. I hope you’ll enjoy it!