Email Templates

Email templates to send impactful campaigns. Reuse your designs or create new ones from scratch with our drag-and-drop and HTML email builders.

Save time on designing emails

All your templates on one platform

Create templates and use them with Email API/SMTP, Bulk Email API/SMTP, Email Marketing, or Email Testing. A single platform to test, send, and analyze all your templates.

Drag-and-drop or HTML editors

Use drag-and-drop or HTML editors to design responsive templates. Add variables, AI-powered blocks, images, content blocks, and more. Preview the final designs on various devices.

Perfect templates every time

Test your templates using Email Testing to check their spam score, validate HTML/CSS, and verify variables. Make the fixes and send with confidence.

Template analytics

Save your templates as email categories to analyze how they perform. View detailed metrics for open, click, bounce rates, and spam complaints.

Quick and easy integration

SMTP and RESTful API integration, ready-made code samples, and SDKs. No-code integration for Email Marketing.

Trusted by 150,000+ monthly active users

Create and send your first email campaign

  • Create a Mailtrap account

    Create an account, go to the sending domains tab, add your domain, and go through the verification process.

  • Create and send your campaign

    Use template builder to design from scratch, or adjust email templates. Check spam and HTML, schedule, or send at once.

  • Analyze, optimize, and send again

    Analyze deliverability dashboard for key campaign performance metrics, each mailbox provider stats, implement changes, send again.

Get more out of Mailtrap Email Marketing

Contacts & Lists

Upload your contacts using CSV. Group them in different lists to send segmented campaigns. Easily add and delete contacts to keep your email lists up-to-date.

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Actionable Analytics

Helicopter-view dashboard, detailed metrics for open, click, bounce rates, and spam complaints. Visual graphs to better understand the performance of your marketing campaigns.

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Campaign Scheduling

Set the date and time of sending. Plan ahead with scheduling options available up to two weeks in advance, ensuring your messages reach your audience at the perfect moment.

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