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The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing in Education in 2024

In this guide, I’m going to break down everything you need to know to craft emails that don’t just get opened but get read, loved, and acted upon. 

I’ll include everything from nailing the perfect subject line to understanding email segmentation—I’ve got you covered.

What is email marketing for educational institutions?

Email marketing for educational institutions is your go-to marketing strategy for keeping your educational community informed, engaged, and connected—all while adding a touch of personality that sets your institution apart.

With this type of email marketing, you can send out a weekly email newsletter packed with upcoming events, student achievements (or drawbacks), and all the important updates. But most importantly:

How do universities use email marketing? 7 examples

Here are 7 awesome examples that can inspire your next email campaigns—and help you totally rock it in the education world:

Welcome series for new students

Think of this as the digital version of a warm handshake. A well-crafted welcome series can make new and potential students feel right at home before they even step foot on campus. 

For example, a sequence of emails introducing students to key campus services, tips for success, and even a virtual campus tour. 

This approach eases first-day jitters and also boosts engagement from day #1.

Personalized application reminders

Deadlines—ugh, we all know the stress. 

But personalized reminders? They’re like a friendly nudge that says, “You got this!” 

Some colleges have mastered this by sending tailored emails with their marketing software to prospective students based on where they are in the application process. Imagine getting a retention email that says, “Just a friendly reminder—your application to the School of Engineering is almost complete!

It’s personal, it’s timely, and it helps students follow through without feeling pressured.

Event invitations with RSVP tracking

University email marketing is the ultimate tool to spread the word, from open houses to alumni gatherings. 

Standout education email marketing campaigns might include a snazzy invitation with a clear call to action to RSVP (something like, “Hope to see you there before I run into you on campus—just kidding, but seriously, RSVP!”). 

Extra credit if the email syncs with a calendar app (you can make it happen with your email marketing tool), so recipients can add the event with one click. Easy, right?

Student success stories and testimonials

There’s nothing quite like a success story to inspire and motivate.

For example, universities use email to spotlight students or alumni who’ve gone on to do amazing things for student recruitment. Imagine a series of short, engaging emails, each featuring a different story, complete with photos and quotes. 

This builds community pride & also shows prospective students the incredible value of the institution. Who wouldn’t want to be part of that?

Course registration reminders with helpful links

When registration time comes around, students can use all the help they can get. 

Successful email marketing campaigns often include step-by-step guides, deadlines, and direct links to course catalogs. Some universities even throw in quick tips or suggest popular courses based on the student’s major. 

It’s like having a helpful advisor in your inbox, making the process as smooth as possible.

Alumni fundraising campaigns with impact stories

Asking for donations? Tricky. 

But when you pair it with stories of how previous gifts have made a difference, it’s suddenly a lot more compelling. Think of an email campaign that shares a heartwarming story about a scholarship recipient or a new campus facility funded by alumni contributions. 

It’s not just about asking for money; it’s about showing alumni the real impact they can have.

Crisis communication with transparency

When things get tough, clear communication is everything. 

No matter if it’s a campus closure due to weather or something as big as a global pandemic (not our favorite memories, right?), some universities have nailed it with timely, transparent emails. 

These campaigns often include updates on safety measures, changes to schedules, and resources for support, all delivered in a calm, reassuring tone. Because when things get tough, people need clarity and confidence.

How to run educational email marketing?

Now I’m going to walk you through everything you need to know, from understanding your audience to automating your outreach like a pro.

1. Understand your audience

First, let’s talk about your audience. 

Who are they? Prospective students dreaming about college life? Current students trying to juggle deadlines? Alumni looking back on their glory days? 

Knowing is all about tailoring your message. Dive into what makes them tick: their needs, worries, and what they’re excited about. 

The better you understand your audience, the easier it is to create emails that feel like they’re speaking directly to them, making them more likely to engage with your content (it should be relevant content).

2. Build an email list

Start collecting emails at every opportunity: during campus tours and events, through sign-up forms on your website, etc.

But remember, this isn’t a numbers game—it’s quality over quantity. 

You want people who actually want to hear from you. Also, don’t forget to provide them with the “unsubscribe” button to avoid spam folders.

3. Segment your audience

Maybe you’ve got one group of prospective students, another of current students, and yet another for alumni. For each group, you need different emails.

Or consider geography (like Arizona State University vs. Eastern Carolina University) or demographics (Gen Z vs. Boomers vs. Millennials)—the possibilities are endless.

4. Craft an email campaign

Start with a killer email subject line that makes your recipients want to open it, followed by a message that’s clear, to the point, and maybe even a little fun. Create an eye-catching email design to grab attention. 

And don’t forget:

5. Personalize your emails

Start with the basics: use the recipient’s name, but don’t stop there. Tailor and optimize the content to their interests or where they are in their journey with your institution. If they are:

Personalized emails show you’re paying attention, and that makes people feel special (and improves email deliverability, for sure).

6. Send targeted messages

Targeted messages are like sending the perfect meme on social media to the right friend—it just lands better.

Maybe it’s a reminder about an application deadline for those who haven’t applied yet, a formal email for alumni, or a “Congrats, you’re in!” email for newly accepted students (and for those who are only thinking about enrollment—a few more email templates). 

7. Use consistent branding

Consistent eye-catching branding is the key to making sure your emails scream “This is us!”. Use the same logos, colors, fonts, and even email salutations and the tone of voice across all your emails. 

8. Automate your emails with the right tools

Automation is like having a trusty sidekick who’s always got your back. With the right tools (like CRM or email marketing platform), you can set up emails that send themselves—no manual work is required. 

The ideal scenario: a new student signs up and they automatically get a welcome email, followed up by a series of helpful tips and reminders. Or, you can set up automated reminders for important deadlines so no one misses out. 

9. Test and track

Think of A/B testing as a friendly competition between two email versions to see which one wins the popularity contest with the dynamic content. Maybe you’re testing subject lines, images, or CTAs—whatever it is, you’re learning what works best. 

Once those emails are out in the wild, make sure to track open rate, click-through rates, conversions, and all the other stats that can help you keep track of your email marketing efforts. 

10. Build community

Your emails should make recipients feel like they’re part of something bigger, something special. Share stories that connect people, like highlighting student experience and achievements or alumni success, sharing the latest news. 

When people feel connected to your institution, they’re more likely to engage with your emails, share your email content, and be loyal to your brand. 

Email marketing best practices for higher education institutions

So, you’re ready to dive into email marketing for universities and schools, but how do you make sure you’re doing it right? Don’t worry!

Make sure your emails speak directly to your audience. If you’re emailing current students, talk about upcoming events, deadlines, or resources they need.

For instance, a university can send out personalized emails to alumni based on their graduation year with a fun touch: “Can you believe it’s been 10 years since you graduated?!”

Your subject line should be clear, compelling, and hint at what’s inside. 

“Last Chance to Register for Spring Classes!” vs. “Spring Class Registration”

Get to the point quickly, and make sure your CTA is easy to spot.

Imagine getting an email with the subject line “Finals Week Survival Guide.”

Inside, it’s all laid out for you—study tips, links to quiet study spaces, and the library’s extended hours.

Use images, videos, or infographics to complement your message; don’t overwhelm it.

When a new campus building opened, the college sent out an email with a short, snappy video tour embedded right in the message. 

Alongside was a brief note about the building’s cool features and how it’s going to be a game-changer for students. Who wouldn’t want to check that out?

Go beyond just using a first name—tailor the content based on interests or past interactions.

If a student’s got a thing for the arts, send them: “Hey [Name], we thought you’d love this upcoming art workshop!” 

Use responsive design so your text, images, and buttons adjust to smaller screens.

Big buttons, clear text, and no endless scrolling—just a quick tap for people to sign up.

Experiment with different times and stick with what works best.

One university noticed that students were more likely to open emails in the late afternoon, around 4 PM—right when classes wrapped up and they had some downtime. 

A/B testing lets you compare different versions of your emails to see what works best.

When a college tested two subject lines—“Join Us for the Fall Career Fair” vs. “Your Future Starts Here: Fall Career Fair”—the second one won by a landslide. 

It’s never fun to lose subscribers, but respecting their choice builds trust and leaves the door open for them to return.

A university made unsubscribing a little less painful with a friendly note at the bottom of their emails: “We’ll be sad to see you go, but if you need to unsubscribe, just click here.” 

Space out reminders so you stay on their radar without becoming a nuisance.

After sending out an event invite, a university might follow up a week later with a gentle nudge: “Just a Reminder—We’d Love to See You at [Event Name]!” Then, they send one final reminder a couple of days before the event. 

What’s next?

Congrats! You’ve now got the tools and know-how to kick your educational email marketing strategy into high gear. 

But where do you go from here? 

Start by taking a good look at your current email strategy—what’s working, what’s not, and where you can make some quick wins. 

If you’re just starting out, no worries—begin with the basics, like building your email list and crafting that first killer campaign.

Then hit send and see the impact of your hard work. Good luck, and happy emailing!

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