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QA Testing Memes

Being a QA is a tough job. Devs might not necessarily love you. PMs might think they don’t even need you in the first place. The family doesn’t quite get what you do for a living. And yet, many can’t run a project without your insights and dev jokes you so eagerly share on every standup.

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QA’s life sure is an entertaining one. What better role can be described with a series of memes?

Now, this is not an obvious situation. Because many would think they can do QA themselves.

Or that they don’t need to do it in the first place.

You could watch from the side and /shrug things when hell breaks loose.

But eventually, they would let you do what you do best.

Some would treat your estimations with a grain of salt.

And first projects wouldn’t probably look precisely as you imagined them back in the days.

Your teammates wouldn’t probably think highly of you at first.

And they could mock you a tiny little bit.

They wouldn’t make your life easier

Though they could surprise you when you expected it the least.

Devs wouldn’t be precisely happy to see you digging in their code.

They could sabotage your work.

They could get lucky sometimes.

But this could change rather abruptly.

You could get into a fight every now and then.

And sometimes you would be right to complain

They could also have some reservations about your thinking.

But at the end of the day, it would be all a matter of perception.

Because your train of thought is actually something… one of a kind.

Keep rocking, QAs! And if you work with emails, try Mailtrap for free. It’s a pre-production testing environment that captures your test emails so you can inspect them in peace. No more spamming your users with test emails, no more setting up dozens of dummy accounts to try a simple feature. Testing emails can be easy.

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